an Egg-cellent Solution

by Jonelle Dawkins

It all started with an underfunded art program in a Georgia public school…

My art teacher probably had 100 students that she saw every day and it would’ve been impossible for her to purchase 100 paint palettes every time we wanted to paint, so we used styrofoam egg cartons to keep the paint usable for the next day. Some of my friends were actual “fine artists” and scoffed at our styrofoam palettes, but I was over the moon! When I got home, I encouraged my mom to save up the egg cartons to donate to my school’s program. I even kept a few because I learned the palettes could work for acrylic and watercolors as well. I had egg cartons that I kept for years because they were extremely handy for my paint projects. When I briefly joined a CSA, I would swap my empty egg carton with one full of local eggs. But eventually I moved and couldn’t afford a new farm share, so I recycled the styrofoam egg cartons that I used from 9th grade through my second year of college.

One of Jonelle’s egg carton palettes.

I stopped painting for a long time and eventually I was tired of carrying all of my art supplies with me from apartment to apartment. When I washed up in Greensboro, NC for graduate school, I found Reconsidered Goods; finally an answer to all of my questions about art supplies that no longer served me. I couldn’t believe that there were such things as art supply thrift stores. I asked myself, “Did Atlanta have one of these???” I soon learned about Scraplanta, which led to the Cinderella story of me becoming the Executive Director of Scraplanta and everything was full circle. I was back in Atlanta and selling (or at times giving away) egg cartons to young artists.

Sometimes people wander into the store and ask why on earth are we selling egg cartons, toilet paper rolls, bubble wrap, and all of this “JUNK”? I chuckle and try not to overwhelm them with the several uses for egg cartons that I’ve learned since grade school. I recall the scene in Hustle and Flow when the main character used egg cartons to soundproof his home recording studio. I can barely contain my excitement when a teacher comes in and asks about paint palettes and I show them egg cartons. Their eyes light up and they can’t wait to show their colleagues. I only ask for 10 cents in return, but sometimes I get a scrap of wisdom about more ways to use egg cartons. As Spring peaks out around the corner, I encourage shoppers to use cardboard cartons for seed starters.

(Jonelle Dawkins is the Executive Director of Scraplanta Creative Reuse in Atlanta)

Upcoming Reuse Events

May 2 : 2024 Zero Waste Symposium

It’s not too late to register for the 2024 Zero Waste North Bay Symposium happening on Thursday, May 2nd, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, with a cocktail hour to follow. This all-day event features exciting speakers in many different areas of waste prevention, recycling, reuse (including our Executive Director), and organics. Check out the lineup of speakers at and register at the link below.

May 4 : Windsor Reuse + Repair Fair

Our next event is coming up on Saturday, May the 4th from 10am - 1pm and will include a Clothing Swap, e-waste collection (courtesy Conservation Corps North Bay) and lots of opportunities to learn about reuse! For more details or to help out at the event:

May 18 : Fairfax Repair Fair

Our first Repair Fair in Marin will be on Saturday May 18th at the Fairfax Library. If you would like this program to expand into Marin come out and show your support!

Reuse in the News

EPA announces eight awardees to distribute $20 billion in grants under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF).

Old carseats are hard to reuse, but once a year (4/14 - 4/27) Target collects them for recycling - which is the next best thing.

Corvallis is turning it’s old concrete trashcans (reuse) into tiny libraries (reuse). Two points for them.

Reuse to Amuse

Raise your hand if you shop “The Bins”.

Left Coast Revivials is our current favorite reuse youtube rabbit hole. What’s yours?

It’s the Butter & Egg Days on Saturday, and we are very on theme - more egg carton reuses courtesy This Old House.

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A Story for #Mendmarch